Radiant Technologies > Tester Accessories > High Voltage Testing

High Voltage Testing Accessories

Image of a rack containing a Radiant Technologies Precision Premier 2, a Radiant Technologies High Voltage Interface, and a Trek Model 609B Amplifier
Image of a rack containing a Radiant Technologies Precision Premier II (bottom), a Radiant Technologies High Voltage Interface (middle), and a Trek Model 609B Amplifier (top)

The Precision test system line can be expanded to execute tests at voltages to 10kV. Testing up to 4kV and 10kV requires a High Voltage Interface and High Voltage Amplifier. Radiant's 10kV High Voltage Interface (HVI) provides four levels of protection to the user from the high voltages present during test.

The HVI has two primary functions.  First, it acts as a signal router, sending stimulation voltages from the tester to the HVA while connecting the output of the HVA to the sample. The return signal from the sample is also routed through the HVI on its way back to the tester for analysis. The second primary function of the HVI is to provide protection to the user from the high voltages present during and after tests. The maximum voltage rating for the Precision High Voltage Interface is 10KV.

Radiant offers a stand alone Precision 200V High Speed/Multi Gain Amplifier – The Precision 200V Amplifier is a general purpose, low noise, high speed, high voltage amplifier capable of outputting +-200Volts / 100mA at 30Khz. The amplifier can operate as a stand alone 20x gain amplifier, or can be controlled by I2C which allows remote power on/off control and selectable internal gain stages to increase signal to noise ratios in lower voltage measurements.

Amplifiers from 1kV to 10kV quoted upon request.

Test Fixtures

Radiant offers a variety of High Voltage/Temperature Test Fixtures that are designed to test bulk ceramics at temperature ranges from 230°C to 650°C. Radiant's test fixtures are rated to 10kV making testing of bulk ceramics a safe, fast, and simple process.

Image of a Radiant Technologies AutoCal 230°C next to a Radiant Technologies PiezoMEMS Analyzer
Image of a Radiant Technologies AutoCal 230°C (left) and a Radiant Technologies PiezoMEMS Analyzer (right)

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