Chamber/Pyroelectric Task

Radiant's Chamber/Pyroelectric Task sets the sample to a series of temperatures by performing GPIB control of an external thermal device. At each temperature it captures the sample’s polarization response and/or small-signal capacitance. These are combined to calculate the pyroelectric coefÂficient. The Pyroelectric Task is to be used with a Radiant Test System and a Linkam Stage (-196C to 600C), Thermal Chambers, Hot Chucks, or a Furnace to automatically measure the Pulse Polarization response and Small Signal Capacitance of a Pyroelectric material that is being heated and/or cooled. Radiant's Pyroelectric measurement Task can be added to Vision at additional cost. This measurement suite fully characterizes the pyroelectric charge (polarization) response of the sample under test. The Pyroelectric Task suite controls various thermal controllers such as Quantum Design, Lake Shore, Delta Design, and many others. Detailed Listing of Thermal Controllers Registered in Vision is listed in below documentation. The Chamber/Pyroelectric Task is quoted upon request.
Radiant offers a stand alone Heated Bulk Ceramic Piezoelectric/Pyroelectric Test Bundle to 230C.
Advantages of Radiant Pyroelectric Testing
- ɛ, PS, and ∆P measured and plotted automatically by the Vision software while temperature is controlled by GPIB communications
- Measurements may be plotted as a function of the temperature θ or the change in temperature
- The derivatives of Pr(θ) and εr(θ) may be plotted with respect to the change in temperature
- Vision controls several different temperature chambers, hot chucks and furnaces
- Shock Testing at low temperatures to high, ramp temperature and polarization vs. temperature cycle can be programmed