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Your Analysis Assistant

Vision Data Acquisition Software

Vision is a revolutionary software package that provides exceptional freedom to design, conduct, and review all procedures associated with any material experiment.

The Vision test environment will collect all data acquired in a test sequence and organize it in archived data structures along with the test sequence definitions and data analysis tools.

The experiment can always be recalled or reproduced. Data and test conditions can be shared over the Internet to allow collaborative research.

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Vision has Four Interconnected Units

Measurement tasks pass data to the plotting and analysis tasks in the Test Definition during execution.

Program control tasks manage external instruments, control the order of task execution, and adjust test parameters during execution of a Test Definition.

Radiant’s Non-linear Materials Testers running under the Vision Materials RDP Operating System reduces Cost of Test by a factor greater than 10 over any other ferroelectric tester.

  • 1 A Library of 155 measurement, analysis, plotting, program control, and documentation tasks. – An Editor to arrange multiple tasks together from the Library into a Test Definition. – An Execution Engine to read and execute the Test Definition – An amorphous database engine to Archive everything that happens in each Test Definition.
  • 2 An Editor to arrange multiple tasks together from the Library into a Test Definition.
  • 3 An Execution Engine to read and execute the Test Definition.
  • 4 An amorphous database engine to Archive everything that happens in each Test Definition.

The Power of Vision

Test Definitions and Data Sets

Radiant’s Precision Line of Test Systems are driven by Vision Software. Vision Software is a framework that loads a variable series of independent agents known as Tasks. Tasks are configurable objects that perform the procedures of an experiment and collect and analyze any measured data. Such an experiment is called a Test Definition.

The true power of Vision is in grouping Tasks together into Test Definitions to form custom experiments. The user is not tied to running one specific Task at a time. The Test Definitions may consist of any number of Measurement Tasks. Researchers can create a DataSet to hold any number of arbitrary Test Definitions. A single Test Definition - the Current Test Definition (CTD) - represents an experiment that is ready for immediate execution. On execution, the Test Definition, along with the measured data, are permanently archived to the DataSet as and Executed Test Definitions (ETD). Vision's "Innovative Test Editor" let's researchers create and document complex Test Definitions using type-specific icons to represent Tasks.

All Tasks include a Task Instructions button on their configuration (and data presentation) dialogs. The Task Instruction pages include Task theory, where appropriate, a complete and detailed discussion of every control on the configuration dialog, a detailed discussion of the Task execution and a history of changes to the Task.

New Tasks

Additional data filters and measurement tasks have beenadded to the VISION library, including:

  • 1 The plotting of Sensor2 measurements
  • 2 Noise reduction tasks.
  • 3 Settinga magnetic fi­eld over GPIB.
  • 4 Triggering external instruments from the SYNC signal.
  • 5 Independent sensor read Tasks.
  • 6 Capture of capacitor response to real-time environmental stimuli.
  • 7 Measurement of capacitor transients after a pulse.
  • 8 Movies- Vision now has the capacity to export JPEG images of its plots real timeduring Test Defi­nition Execution. These JPEG images are titled and ordered ina manner that allows quick import into movie maker programs.

Data Mining

Invoking the data mining wizard allows the user to sort through all of the DataSets on the computer to pull out and plot together any tests. With DM, it is now possible to create plots showing the entire lifetime of a particular sample even if that lifetime involves years of tests. It is also possible to compare the sample response to small changes in the same test run on that sample.


Hardware Tasks

These are Tasks that send signals to a tester through the driver and apply a voltage profile to the sample. These also may communicate with other instruments attached to the tester or to the host computer. Hardware Tasks normally apply a voltage profile to the sample. Testers may apply voltages of up to ±10 Volts, ±100 Volts, ±200 Volts, or ±500.0 Volts depending on tester model. Voltages of up to ±10,000 Volts may be applied with the addition of an accessory High-Voltage Interface (HVI) and High Voltage Amplifier (HVA).

Hardware Tasks include:

  • Waveform

    Applies a sine, square, triangle or user-defined voltage waveform to stress the sample. The waveform is of user-defined voltage, frequency and duration.

  • DC Bias

    Applies a constant user-defined voltage to the sample for a user-defined duration.

Measurement Tasks


These are Hardware Tasks that receive data from the tester. Measurement Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Hysteresis

    This Task measures sample polarization (μC/cm2) response to a Task-applied voltage profile. The profile is of user-specified maximum voltage and period (ms) (Period = 1000/frequency (Hz)).  Profiles are normally standard bipolar (triangular), but may be monopolar, double-bipolar, sinusoidal or user-specified.

  • Small Signal Capacitance

    This measurement captures the sample's capacitance as a function of voltage. It measures the capacitance at each voltage step using a very small stimulus signal to eliminate polarization -switching components of the sample response.

  • PUND

    A standard five-pulse ferroelectric sample characterization measurement that captures both switching (remanent + non-remanent) and non-switching (non-remanent) polarization (μC/cm2). Pulse width and voltage are under user control.

  • Fatigue

    Performs a series of stress/measure sequences. In the stress sequence the sample is submitted to a switching waveform. At the end of the waveform period, a PUND measurement is made to capture the sample’s polarization response. Each subsequent stress period may have its duration increased to better serve a logarithmic analysis.

  • Leakage

    Captures the current through a sample induced by a steady-state, DC Bias voltage. Voltage and measurement duration are user-defined.

  • Curve Energy

    Determines the energy returned and the energy lost from a charged capacitor. It is useful for measuring power capacitors for new energy generating systems.

  • General Monopolar

    The General Monopolar Task allows up to five independently configured monopolar Hysteresis measurements to be made in sequence in order to execute a PUND measurement using continuous waveforms. Each measurement may be preceded by an unmeasured presetting pulse or poling DC Bias period.

Optional Tasks Include:

  • Piezo-Electric

    Captures a sample’s displacement as a function of voltage profile along with the sample’s polarization response. An external displacement measurement instrument must be attached to the tester to make this measurement.

  • Magnetoelectric

    Radiant’s new Magnetoelectric Response Task allows the user to measure the magnetoelectric coupling coefficient in multiferroic materials and composite magnetopiezoelectric devices. The test stimulates a sample with a small AC magnetic field while measuring its charge generation.

  • Pyro-Electric

    Sets the sample to a series of temperature by performing GPIB control of an external thermal device. At each temperature it captures the sample’s polarization response and/or small-signal capacitance. These are combined to calculate the pyroelectric coefficient.

  • Transistor

    Radiant has introduced an I²C digital-to-analog converter product that can be attached to the Precision Premier II or Multiferroic Test System and is controlled from Vision. The addition of this extra voltage source makes it possible for the testers to measure the performance of thin-ferroelectric-film gate transistors (TFFTs and MFSFETs).

  • DLTS

    Deep Level Trap Spectroscopy Task allows the user to measure the population of traps filled during a voltage pulse of a non-linear material and measure the decay rate of the trapped population as a function of temperature.


    PAINT was originally designed to capture the mechanical and acoustic vibrations induced in an ink jet chamber by the pulsing of the piezoelectric element to re an ink droplet. In reality, the PAINT Task in Vision can be used to capture the acoustic response of any activity, including SONAR type measurements in a water tank.



These are Tasks that collect, operate on, store and plot data from one or more Measurement Tasks or other Filters. Filter categories include:

  • Collect/Plot

    Simple data collection and plotting.

  • Mathematical Analysis

    Combine two measured data vectors into one through addition, subtraction, multiplication or division or perform single vector manipulation on one or more input data vectors. Single vector operations include linear scaling and offset, integration and differentiation.

  • Averaging

    Average multiple data vectors together to form a single vector, average one or more single vectors with itself over multiple iterations in a Branch Loop or perform statistical analysis on one or more single vectors. Statistical analysis includes maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation.

External Sensor Tasks

These are Tasks that import or measure tester SENSOR (1 and/or 2) Port Voltages.

  • SENSOR Collect/Plot Filter

    Extract SENSOR 1 port voltages from Input Measurement Task Data if SENSOR 1 capture is enabled.

  • SENSOR 2 Collect/Plot Filter

    Extract SENSOR 2 port voltages from Input Measurement Task data if SENSOR 2 capture is enabled.

  • Read SENSOR Task

    These Tasks allow the user to directly take a reading of the voltage on SENSOR or SENSOR 2 without having to execute a subsidiary task like Hysteresis.

  • SENSOR Oscilloscope

    The oscilloscope task presents a real time display of the voltage on one of the sensor ports of the LCII, Premier, or Multiferroic testers.

External Instrument Control

These are Tasks that communicate with remote instruments through a GBIP bus.

  • LCR Meter

    This task allows the user to query an external LCR meter for its measurements including capacitance, loss, and Tan Delta.

  • Set Field

    This task allows the user to specify a setting for the superconducting magnet connected to a Quantum Design 6000 controller.

  • Temperature

    This Task sets the sample to a series of temperature by performing GPIB control of an external thermal device. At each temperature it captures the sample’s polarization response and/or small-signal capacitance. These are combined to calculate the pyroelectric coefficient.

Program Control

Program Control Tasks are Tasks that control Test Definition sequencing and provide for general Documentation.

  • Branch Tasks

    These are Tasks that allow the program to sequence repeatedly over a sequential subset of the Tasks in a Test Definition. Sequencing continues until some condition, that is changing over the Branch iterations, reaches a user-specified threshold.

  • Exit Tasks

    These are Tasks that terminate Test Definition execution prematurely based either on comparing an experimental value to a threshold or direct user interaction.

  • If/Then and Endif

    This Task pair allows a sequential subset of the Tasks in a Test Definition to be omitted from execution based on the comparison of an experimental value to a threshold.

  • Start Time and Elapsed Time

    The Start Time Task establishes a baseline date/time stamp when executed. The Elapsed Time records the elapsed of Task execution relative to the start time date/time stamp.

  • Documentation

    Documentation Tasks include the General Information Task that allows extensive text description of the purpose and configuration of the Test Definition, composition of the sample or any other pertinent information. The Hyperlink Task allows links to external files and URLs to be recorded at run-time. Label Tasks allow brief documentation to be recorded by the user at run-time

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