Vision Software Download and Update Request

Current Installer Version: 5.50.1 - 17 February

Version 5.50.1 - Minor Update

  • Fix relative file paths to Vision services including Task Instructions, common dialogs, etc.
  • Add the EEL Model 1102 High-Voltage Amplifier (HVA)
  • Adjusted ±Pr (µC/cm2) and ±Vc calculation throughout Vision Tasks. The calculation could detect an erroneous zero-crossing in high voltage using a larger point count.
  • Fix a bug in the Laser On/Off Task when controlling the Polytec IVS-500.
  • Numerous other minor updates

Version 5.50.0 - Intermediate Update

  • Vision has previously been updated to allow any user to access all of the program features under any user ID without having to update the registry for each new user. That change has introduced possible problems accessing some of the Vision tools. This is a rare problem, but it has been identified. This release corrects those issues. The release includes changes to the main Vision program that call for an intermediate update.

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